There is no gathering this Friday.
5/06 Family Gathering
5/13 Friday Gathering
5/20 Friday Gathering
5/27 NO Friday Gathering*
*The last Friday of each month will be designated as an off-day.
The dining table is a place of belonging. For children, having a seat at the family table can be an important source of stability and connection. For parents, it’s a place to make memories.
As a church, the table is important as well. The new testament is full of stories of Jesus dining at the table with people from all walks of life.
On Friday, May 6th, Mannam Youth Group would like to invite all youth students, their siblings and parents to the table at Mannam Church for food and fellowship.
Please RSVP by April 30th so we can prepare enough food and plan for activities.
Did you miss our service last week?
Sermon Series: The Person of Jesus
Sermon Title: The Road to Emmaus
Sermon Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AAJ0iVgjYqMYZiQlQe_A_mm2TdteCLEcSAXlr2S0ku0/edit?usp=sharing
Sermon Audio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ACOlb8Wv6lUZFd2kuVuQm1smv8C4OBMg/view?usp=sharing
4. SUNDAY SERVICE (05/01) @ 11AM
Join us this Sunday for worship.
5. PRE-SERVICE PRAYER (05/01) @ 10:30AM (15min)
Join us before service to pray. This will be a time set apart for individuals to come early to seek God.
6. READ SCRIPTURE (04/24 - 04/30)
Download the “Read Scripture” app by Crazy Love Ministries. It takes you through the Bible, section-by-section, and includes helpful videos by the Bible Project.
The Wilderness
Day 55 (4/17): Deuteronomy 7-9; Psalm 55
Day 56 (4/18): Deuteronomy 10-12; Psalm 56
Day 57 (4/19): Deuteronomy 13-14; Psalm 57
Day 58 (4/20): Deuteronomy 15-16; Psalm 58
Day 59 (4/21): Deuteronomy 17-20; Psalm 59
Day 60 (4/22): Deuteronomy 21-23; Psalm 60
Day 61 (4/23): Deuteronomy 24-27; Psalm 61